Thursday, November 6, 2008

Cruise Anyone?!?!

Today I'm off for a 2 week cruise line shoot. They're launching a new ship and we are going to photograph it for their brochures. So I won't be blogging while I'm gone, but I will make sure to take some notes so when I return I can update you!!

Rock The Vote!

As we all know how important it is this year more than ever. I went out to the polls, was there at 7am on the dot. I waited 2 hours 20 minutes to cast my vote. This was the first year I've ever voted, and must admit I was honored to do so. Our country needs a change. It doesn't matter to me who you vote for, I just hope you go out and vote.

Happy Halloween!

I hope everyone enjoyed their Halloween this year. I was Raggedy Anne.

Technical Difficulties

As many of you know first hand what it's like to have dogs chew thru your belongings, I've experienced that this week. Mya ate my card reader!! She came bouncing into the room the other day throwing this piece of plastic up in the air, playing very content. Well much to my disappointment it was my card reader!!